What is the problem?
The problem I am addressing is the lack of important information that advertisers hide which should be known by the consumer.
What subject/ area of study are you focussing on?
I am focussing on a few areas such as consumerism, economics, ingredients and food photography.
To what depth are you investigating this are? is it sufficient?
I have a lot of information about each of the topic but some of it isn't very interesting or attention grabbing so I need to do more research into consumerism facts and figures and ingredients.
What is the form and amount of your research to date?
Continuous blogging from internet and photography, need to collect some primary source material.
What visual research do you have to work with?
100 pictures and images related to the topic.
Is there an appropriate amount of work for the time you have had to develop it?
10x graphic products with relevant and well informed information?
What is your timescale/ deadline?
I have got 10 days until the print slot I have booked for wednesday 1st feb.
What is achievable in the timescale provided?
I will be able to produce 10x graphic products , I will need to keep these relatively simple as I will be producing one a day and there is other work to be done in this time.
What methods are you using to evaluate the progress of your ideas?
Design sheets with 15+ design ideas for each product is a good way of evaluating successful and unsuccessful elements of the designs.
What are you identifying as areas worth developing further?
I want to vary the media used in my products to add interest to the subject matter
What are you trying to Communicate?
I am trying to communicate that there is a lot hidden behind advertising that isn't said in the adverts, some information which may lead the consumer to question their decisions.
What audience have you identified?
14-30 year olds, mainly male but not exclusively
What problems have you identified?
The audience is very big, as it is anyone who is affected or comes into contact with advertising
How do you intend to solve this?
Focussing on one specific group.
What further research does this require?
possibly questionnaires and data taken from previous collections.
Have you moved on from your initial starting point. if so how and why?
From the initial '100 things you need to know about advertising' I have picked out the interesting and important points and split the information into 4 sub categories rather than 8.
What methods are you using to document this development?
Frequent posts to blog.
What processes will you need to develop your work?
Mind maps and design sheets, research into exsisting products and mock ups.