Monday 11 February 2013

Creative Partners

Open publication - Free publishing - More collab

10 Things we agree on

  1. We are both agreed on the brief that we are going to undertake.
  2. The concept for the brief is clear and we have a shared understanding of the solution we want to deliver.
  3. All work will be professional and clean and be relevant to the brief.
  4. We will both research different areas and discuss our findings
  5. That we will both do our share of work
  6. We will compromise and keep the interests of the brief in mind
  7. We will discuss and crit new ideas to decide if they are relevant or need altering
  8. To split the workload evenly 
  9. To plan in advance
  10. To photograph and present our work in the best and most professional way possible

10 Common interests
  1. We want to produce good work for our portfolios
  2. Packaging and craft skills
  3. Photography and setting scene skills
  4. Delivering our concept effectively to the client
  5. Take advantage of the collaboration to utilise our different skill sets.
  6. Presentation boards and skills
  7. Extensive research which will feed into a solid design solution
  8. Consistent product range
  9. Exploring new and innovative design solutions
  10. We want to take the brief above and beyond the standard requirements