Tuesday 12 November 2013

Design Manchester '13

On the 31st October quite a few of us went to design Manchester where a number of designers gave brief lectures on the topic of longevity.

Some of the highlights from the event:


This was from the first talk by Andrew Shoben from Greyworld. Greyworld make huge installation art that is interacted by and interacts with the public. I think that this is so much better than the majority of art that is published. He said that greyworld name their work after what it physically is rather than giving it a pretentious name (e.g Damien Hirst) which alienates and is disconnected with the general public.

The Source (Channel Four footage) from greyworld on Vimeo.

Kate Morross

The take home point from Kate's talk was that the future of design is multi-disciplinary, and that there will be less demand for designers that specialise in one area of design and more demand for designers that are well versed in a range of disciplines and excel in some areas.

Mark Farrow

Mark Farrow had an interview with Design Week which mainly consistent of talking through various pieces of work through history. Some of the work that caught my attention:

Medically inspired cd packaging for Spiritualized

A running theme throughout his work is simplicity and standing out from what exists already.

Monday 11 November 2013

Mail Shot Response

Robot Food

After sending out the lone mail shot to Robot Food they rang me a few days later when it had arrived to invite me to the studio. After going down for an informal interview and a bit of a talk through some portfolio work we organised for me to go there for a week over assessment week. Having the experience at Big Fish helped me out as they mentioned that they think Big Fish do well at fulfilling what the client needs. Robot Food again, are very focussed on packaging which is my area of focus this year. I look forward to spending some time there and getting involved with some live packaging briefs.