Monday 17 March 2014

Robot Food: 10-15th March 2014

I returned again to Robot Food as it is the place I would most like to work after College.
This time I was entirely focussed on one project which allowed me deeper insight into the design process. I was working on a new snacking product for a big brand cooking company.

This began with a trip to ASDA to photograph the snacking and cooking sauce aisles to identify what was most successful and how communication changes from cook-in sauce home cooking to on-the-go quick snacking.

After acquiring this primary research I worked on developing research boards which look into all aspects of snacking and identifying what products are dominant, dated and emergent this allowed us to see whereabouts in the market this new product would be best sitting, considering the competition.

After completing the research I was able to start on naming and concepts and then on to designing.
This week at Robot Food has been the most successful I understood the process more clearly and left a good impression with the ideas and visuals I designed for the project. This resulted in me being asked to come back for a paid week in Easter and then on to a 3 month trial placement over summer.

Robot Food Second Week, December

After enjoying the first placement at Robot Food and leaving a positive impression I organised to return in December.

This time I was mainly working on a new product development for a company called Beanies. The challenge was to add a new product to the already large Beanies range, but this addition was Iced coffee, working with the name 'Cool Beans' I had to develop a pack design that suited the established brand and also added an exciting edge as this product is something you would have on-the-go and it would need to jump off the shelf.

Working on these live projects has forced me to work in a different manner than I have at College, designing what is right for the project often warrants a style that is unfamiliar/ beyond my capabilities.

This week at Robot Food was again very helpful and interesting to see how the design process is structured and also to see what clients want to see alongside the finished design.

All design that I have done at Robot Food can not be blogged for confidentiality purposes.

Robot Food: 1st Week, November

The first time I spent a week at Robot Food I was working mainly on Panda Pops. Panda were rebranding to lose their association with unhealthy and fizzy drinks and give themselves a more health conscious and child friendly image.

My job was to develop a route which was based around hand drawn graphics, similar to what a child might do in a notebook/ sketchbook.
I found designing for such a young audience difficult as what I would normally consider good, the audience wouldn't and vice versa.

Robot Food use an extensive research process that they call RAD. Using this process the design research isn't restricted to direct competitors but instead a cohesive study of all the brands and products that the audience would encounter on a daily basis. This really helps to get into the mind set of a young audience and see what products are currently successful and those which aren't.

As well as working on Panda I helped out with art working packaging for print, this gave me a clear insight into the attention detail that is required in industry but that we have not yet to fully apply to our own practice as we are producing one off's for ourselves - as students.

I also worked on some social media promotion for some of Robot Food's clients, this consisted of Christmas related graphics that the companies could use for Facebook banners and posts: